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The session was organised by Anne-Violaine Szabados, Katell Briatte, Maria Emilia Masci, and Christophe Tufféry. Reinhard Foertsch and Sebastian Rahtz chaired the session.
There were a number of highlights. The number of papers referencing the CIDOC CRM demonstrates the impact and uptake of this robust ontology within the cultural heritage sector. With increased uptake and demonstrable use cases, this can only snowball and bring the benefits so many people have discussed over the past ten years and more. Dominic Oldman and Sebastian Rahtz’s paper in particular set the scene here, talking about experiences with the CLAROS and ResearchSpace projects.
Discussion of the PeriodO project was particularly striking. The approach to taken to provide a Linked Data resource of period assertions is a very neat solution to the problem of diverse views of archaeological periods and the inclusion of a spatial component promises to make for an incredibly powerful resource. I look forward to making use of this in my research.
There was significant diversity in the subject matters of presentations, ranging from 3D models to coins to archaeological deposits, features, sites and monuments. It was particularly pleasing to note there is now a significant group of researchers working with ontologies, providing an active community for ideas to be discussed within and ideas mooted and developed. It is a privilege to be a part of this. With groups such as the ARIADNE Linked Data SIG and the CAA Semantic SIG, there are also forums within which we can collaborate and communicate.
- › The Digital Archaeological Workflow: A Case Study from Sweden – Marcus Smith, Swedish National Heritage Board 08:55-09:20 (25min)
- › Find the balance – Modelling aspects in Archaeological Information Systems – Frank Schwarzbach, Dresden University of Applied Sciences 09:20-09:45 (25min)
- › linkedARC.net: addressing the standards question in archaeological digital data management using Linked Open Data – Frank Lynam, Trinity College Dublin 09:45-10:10 (25min)
- › Dykes of standards supporting polders of data: the practices used in the Netherlands for making archaeological data available and accessible – Valentijn Gilissen, Data Archiving and Networked Services 10:10-10:35 (25min)
- › Integration of Archaeological Datasets Through the Gradual Refinement of Models – Cesar Gonzalez-Perez, Institute of Heritage Sciences, Spanish National Research Council 10:50-11:15 (25min)
- › Building comprehensive management systems for cultural – historical information – Chryssoula Bekiari, Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas 11:15-11:40 (25min)
- › To Boldly or Bravely Go? Experiences of using Semantic Technologies for Archaeological Resources – Keith May, English Heritage (& University of South Wales) 11:40-12:05 (25min)
- › Aligning the Academy with the Cultural Heritage Sector through the CIDOC CRM and Semantic Web technology. – Dominic Oldman, British Museum – Sebastian Rahtz, IT Services, University of Oxford 12:05-12:30 (25min)
- › Making the links to Portable Antiquities Scheme data – Daniel Pett, The British Museum, Portable Antiquities Scheme 14:00-14:25 (25min)
- › The interoperability of the ArSol database (Soil Archives): reflections and feedbacks experiences on the use of the CIDOC-CRM ontology and the integration of thesauri – Emeline Le Goff, UMR 7324 CITERES – Olivier Marlet, UMR7324 CITERES 14:25-14:50 (25min)
- › Geosemantic Tools for Archaeological Research (GSTAR) – Paul Cripps, Archaeogeomancy, Hypermedia Research Unit, University of South Wales 14:50-15:15 (25min)
- › Linked Open Pottery – Ethan Gruber, American Numismatic Society – Tyler Jo Smith, University of Virginia 15:15-15:40 (25min)
- › Uncertainty handling for ancient coinage – Karsten Tolle, Databases and Information Systems 15:40-16:05 (25min)
- › Some Issues on LOD in Cultural Heritage: the Case of Historical Place Names – Oreste Signore, CNR-ISTI 16:20-16:45 (25min)
- › Periods, Organized (PeriodO): a Linked Data gazetteer to bridge the gap between concept and usage in archaeological periodization – Adam Rabinowitz, The University of Texas at Austin 16:45-17:10 (25min)
- › A metadata schema for cultural heritage documentation data retrieval through publication- Using STARC metadata schema to handle 3D Cultural Heritage Documentation (The case of recording sites in Israel) – Yiakoupi Kyriaki, The Cyprus Institute 17:10-17:35 (25min)
- › An Ontology for 3D Visualization in Cultural Heritage – Valeria Vitale, King’s College London, Department of Digital Humanities 17:35-18:00 (25min)
- › Poster Session & Conclusion – Anne-Violaine Szabados, UMR 7041, LIMC – Katell Briatte, DGP – DSIP – Maria Emilia Masci, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa – Christophe Tufféry, Institut National de Recherches Archéologiques Préventives, Cités, Territoires, Environnement et Sociétés 18:00-18:20 (20min)
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